It's Ben! It feels like forever since I've gotten to see to you!! Mrs. Hasmig is really awesome for letting me write on here, so hopefully I'll come up with some interesting question for all of you! Let's see here:
First, let's start with an easy one- who can solve this riddle?
"I break when you say my name~ what am I?"
And no using Google to solve it either!! ;)
A few of you are my friends on Facebook too- be sure to add me as a friend if you haven't! Or post here and I'll add you if you want.
Just to give you an update on me- I got back to the States in March, and I've been really busy getting stuff ready for school in August. My sister, brother-in-law, and I are planning a trip to go back to Haiti in a few weeks too. We're taking adjustable eyeglasses to a city in North Haiti called Cap Haitien (here's a Wikipedia page about the city:

If you guys remember, I talked in Logos chapel about how the Haitien people spend close to 200 Euros to buy glasses- and we're going to be able to bring a thousand pairs of glasses to them for free. But not just any glasses!!
The pairs we're bringing were made by a Dutch company, and they can be adjusted by the person wearing them!! That means they just turn a little wheel till the glasses are the right prescription, then lock them in place!
We actually got our first pair of glasses today!! Here is my sister wearing them:

I admit, they're not the most attractive things ever, but for people who have never been able to see, it's a dream come true! Please keep us in your prayers as we go to Haiti with these!
That's all for today- don't forget to try to figure out the riddle, and write on here just to say hello!! =)
I really miss you guys- can't wait to come back to Cyprus and see you all!!!
ReplyDeleteCorrect!! Great job!